November 30, 2020
13 min AMRAP: 55 Deadlift 55 Wall Ball 55 Cal Row 55 Push ups
November 24, 2020
AMRAP in 20 minutes of: 4 dumbbell thrusters 6 sit-ups 24 single-unders
November 23, 2020
Back at it again!! Our first class back at Christie Heights in a while. We hope you can join us! This week: 5:30pm Monday 5:30pm Tuesday...
November 20, 2020
10 minute AMRAP: 10 Burpees 20 Wall Balls Notes: Can substitute any ball for a medicine ball. Can substitute the movement with thrusters,...

November 17, 2020
Tabata 8 rounds: 20 seconds of work 10 seconds of rest 8 rounds of tabata: step ups (or jumps if comfortable) 8 rounds of tabata:...
November 16, 2020
Reverse Tabata Handstand Hold 8 Rounds: 10 sec. hold 20 sec. rest Then spend 30 minutes outside! Another great weather week. Ride a bike?...
November 14, 2020
15 minute AMRAP: 10 PVC Overhead squats 10 Burpees 10 Sit ups *Use a broomstick (screw off the broom end), golf club, hockey stick, or...
November 10, 2020
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of: V-ups Wall-ball shots Notes: -Toe touch sit ups or V-ups are touching your toes with your hands,...
November 9, 2020
15 minute AMRAP: 6 Long jumps (jump, turn around, jump back) 8 Push ups (elevated hands or on knees as needed) 30 sec. Forearm plank hold...
November 6, 2020
AT HOME....... 5 Rounds: 25 Air squats Approximately 200m run