We are going to take a break over the holiday season. No class from December 18th through January 8th. Our first class will be Monday,...
December 15, 2020
5 sets: 5 ea. leg lunges and 5 pull ups then... Max double unders in 3 minutes

December 14, 2020
Today we honor Kerrie as we complete her Hero Workout. 10 rounds: 100-m sprint 5 burpees 20 sit-ups 15 push-ups 100-m sprint Rest 2 minutes
December 11, 2020 we will not have class due to winter weather. We will do our planned workout, "Kerrie", on Monday at 5:30pm
December 9, 2020
20 minute AMRAP: 10 Ring rows 20 Push ups 30 Air squats
December 7, 2020
15 min AMRAP: 10 Medicine ball cleans 10 Double unders (or attempts) Jog to half court and back, full court/back
December 4, 2020
5 sets: 5 rep press alternate with 5 pull ups Finish with 400m run or 500m row for time.
December 1, 2020
For time: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 DB Front squats Burpees over bar