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To provide at-risk youth a positive alternative to a negative lifestyle through education and exercise.

More About Kinship CrossFit

Kinship CrossFit is based out of Omaha Secondary Success School at 36th and Q streets.  This school was established to continue to educate those 7th and 8th graders that have been expelled from other middle schools.  Kinship CrossFit brings a community based exercise program to help establish positive behavior through hard work.


The exercise regime is programed and taught by a certified CrossFit trainer.  Police officers, probation officers and school faculty also participate in the program.  This participation helps establish positive relationships between the kids and law enforcement/faculty.


Training consists of two hour sessions, three days per week.  The workout of the day is approximately one hour.  The remaining hour is used for nutrition, goal setting, and decision making classes.  The students are tested for initial strengths and re-evaluated at the end of the 8-week program.  Faculty measures attendance, classroom, and academic improvements.

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